2018's lesson: Everyone has their own way

2018 gives a lot of colors in my life. And I could say that in 2018 I could reach several milestones, and maybe those of  "milestone" not seem as an outstanding achievement for other people but it means a lot for me. 
Honestly, there are so many life lessons that I got in 2018.
I learned to be a less-drama person, wiser to manage time, controlling myself and emotions, through many ups and downs that I have in 2018.
In 2018 I realized that there was no coincidence in this world. There is no such thing. Everything we think about, we fear, plans change, opportunities that come, it is not all of a sudden given in our lives.
But all that has been planned with God in such a way and the impact we can feel sooner or later. Such as we can get new friends, new families, achievement, inspire others, and so on.
What's certain, trust me, He knows what's the best for us.

2018 also trains me to be a more positive person. Positive in everything. Think positively, hope positively, speak positively, work positively, and to create positive vibes anywhere at any time.
The point is that everything that comes out of us as much as possible is a positive thing.Why? Because the power of the mind and body positivity play an important role in every activity that we do. 
No matter how hard we try, if our mind is not focused and the heart is not sincere, it certainly won't gives maximal result..
This often happens with me during my activities in 208. Trust me, if you have been solazy doing something from the start point, you will get nothing.
Well! talking about lazy. In 2018 I also learned to "fight" with one of my biggest weaknesses, namely "mager", aka Malas Gerak.. Believe it or not, our laziness turns out to have a big influence on our lives.
When we choose to be a lazy person, everything will feel so slow and I personally will feel desperate because I can't be productive in that day. So, the only way to fight this lazy feeling is to fight it from the bottom of our heart. Ha ha.

And then, 2018 teaches me to be more objective person in everything. I'm still trying to reduce the activity of judging something or someone from only my perspective.I tried to find as many opinions as possible from various perspectives so that the information I received was clear and not biased. 
So, we will be more intelligent and objective. And the most important for  me is, in 2018 I practice becoming a more sincere person. I realize that each person is different and unique. The opportunities obtained from each persons must be different, the way of life must be different, until the background of life is certainly different.
So, stop comparing your life with other people's life. What we have today, be grateful for all of that.
As long as we keep trying and praying, He will certainly make it easier for every road we take.
So, be ready for 2019. Wish we have a greater journey in this outstanding year! Happy new year everyone!



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